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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Make Your Friends Jealous - Download Movies On Your iPod

By Chen Petersen

One of the great benefits of signing up to a movie download service, besides downloading unlimited movies for free, is gaining range of entertainment to put on your iPod or iPhone.

With unlimited free downloads, you can amass a huge collections of movies and TV shows to watch on the go. Public transport and waiting rooms are much more bearable with the latest episode of Heroes or a good new release to help pass the time.

The good services out there will even provide you with the tools to not only download put movies on your iPod or iPhone, but also rip them to dvd or cd, and will often provide media players to watch them on your computer or stream movies directly off websites.

Another benefit is the technical support they provide. If you are having trouble ripping your media, playing movies or trouble with bothersome codecs, most services offer 24 hour email technical support so in the unlikely event of a movie not working, you can shoot off an email and be up and running in no time.

Make all your friends jealous by downloading movies on your iPod. The next time you are waiting around for the bus, bust out your iPod pimped out with the latest movies or TV episodes, they'll be clamoring to check out what cool stuff you've got going on. The same goes for strangers on the train, you'll see them craning their necks to check out what you are watching, while you are sitting comfy watching a sweet movie or cool TV show.

Chen Petersen is an ipod and iphone enthusiast and loves loading up his ipod with all the latest shows and movies to watch on the go. To find out how you can pimp out your iPhone or iPod with hundreds of movies and TV shows

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What You Should Know about FREE Download Sites!

With all of the entertainment download sites out there that offer FREE movie downloads, music downloads, game downloads etc.,those tempting offers of free downloads you have to wonder, which is the best, but first and foremost one should use caution in choosing, since many of these Peer to Peer sites are free but also dangerous to the health of your computer.

Wondering Why? I'll explain below. So please read on!

Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks are basically computers on the same network with certain software sharing files for free. The problem with this, although tempting concept, is that you may also be sharing Malware, Viruses, Spyware that can damage your computer, not to mention you can get into some big trouble downloading copyrighted material.

If you do frequent p2p sites your anti-virus software should help in stopping any worms or viruses but you would still be risking your computer to infection and or damage if your settings on your are set too low. Also your file settings should be set to, "Do not share" to help keep out any bugs.

There are alternatives that are safe and legal. Membership sites offer this alternative, no worries for just a low one time fee. A good membership site also will not charge you a pay per download fee or even monthly fee just a one time fee with unlimited downloads. Yet there are many to choose from.

We have done some research for you and reviewed a number of sites that are a few of the best out there, but most of all Legal and worries, spyware and adware free, just remember to follow the in structions I mentioned above on your settings. Just click on the link below and your there.

Tips: In your quest finding something that is right for you there are some considerations that come to mind. Download speed even from the best site is mostly dependent on your internet connection, Dialup vs. DSL vs. Highspeed Cable and on it goes. But with a good download accelerator software program most connections should work fine. Another tip would be your hard drive space, meaning the room needed to store all your favorite movies, music, and whatever else. That can be cured by burning copies onto the media of your choice CD, DVD, External HD and deleting the original off the drive or install a hard drive with more space.

Sincerely J.D.
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