By Victor Thomas
An LCD monitor is the abbreviation for Liquid Crystal Display monitor. The quality of the images produced in an LCD monitor is high and it has high brightness and contrast levels as well.
There are various things to be checked while working with such a monitor. One of the things to be checked is the number of USB hubs that such units have. These hubs usually come with the display at an extra cost. They prove to be useful if plugging the USB devices in the computer is difficult. The next thing to be considered is the warranty on the backlight. This backlight is an important component in the display as it transmits the light into the display. In some cases, the monitor might have a longer warranty, but the backlight would be given less warranty, which means that if it wears away, then the whole screen has to be replaced at the cost of the user. So it is always good to look for a higher warranty on the backlight.
Sometimes, when the same colour or page is left on the screen for long, it develops those pixels present there to get worn out and thus becomes dead. This develops a black or white dot on the screen, thus avoiding that particular area to produce any image. This, at times, might be due to the manufacturing defect also. Hence it is better to look for warranties on all these issues. Some monitors come with an attached speaker system. This is usually expensive when compared to the separate speaker system. If such an attached speaker system is available in the monitor, then it should be noted that a quick-mute button and readily accessible volume controls should be available in the monitor itself.
LCD monitors emit less of electro-magnetic radiations, when compared to the CRT monitors. The effect of electro-magnetic radiations on the human body and how hazardous to health it is, is not yet found out. The main thing to be checked while going for such a model is the aspect ratio that it provides. For computer monitors, the ratio usually seen is 4:3. Also, for higher clarity and picture-perfect levels, there are higher aspect ratios. This is mainly dependent on the resolution provided by the monitor. There are monitors that produce resolution of 800x600p, 1280x1024p, which gives an aspect ratio of 5:4. For works that need high resolution and quality, it is better to go for high resolution monitors.
LCDs take very less desk space and also are quite good in terms of quality and clarity of images. Also the energy consumed by them is very less and since the electro-magnetic radiations emitted are also less, it is also less hazardous to health. Taking all the above things into consideration, it can be purchased and taken care of. Also these points help in avoiding many misconceptions that users have on LCD monitors.
Visit LCD Monitors Review website for exclusive articles, best buys and expert reviews on Samsung LCD Monitors and 24 inch LCD Monitors.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Things to Consider Before Buying an LCD Monitor
How Do I Download PSP Games? The Easy Way To Get The Newest Games For Your PSP
By Dave Freeman
If you're the lucky owner of a PSP there's a good chance you have heard about the ability to download games, movies and music and use them on your system. It's a great way to keep your PSP stocked with all the newest games and make sure you never get bored! One of the most common questions we get from PSP users is "How Do I Download PSP Games?"
You have a few options to download psp games - some are risky and others are not. Let's take a closer look at what I mean.
You will probably run across a few website that offer "free" PSP game downloads. However, the old saying "you get what you pay for" comes to mind here! Since you aren't paying a dime, these websites have all sorts of problems associated with them. In fact, several have been shut down in recent months for distributing viruses, spyware and other infections.
Since these websites don't pull in any profit, the files are usually just provided by random people on the internet. They aren't "official" game downloads and often end up being corrupt (meaning they don't work at all). The download speeds are incredibly slow and you will often find that what you download ends up being a completely different file than you searched for.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a fan of these so-called free PSP download sites. They can harm your computer, waste your time and cause a lot of headaches.
The best way to download PSP games is to join a "membership" site that specializes in PSP downloads. You will have to pay a small fee, but it easily pays for itself after a download or two. By joining this type of website, you are dealing with a reputable business that invests money in making sure that all downloads work, are downloaded quickly and are guaranteed to be 100% virus and spyware free.
It always surprises me that there aren't more people using these websites. The cost of one of these sites is less than the price of one new game and your membership gives you access to unlimited PSP game downloads (along with movies, music, roms etc). The best sites will also provide you with the software you need to transfer the files to your PSP.
Look for a membership site that only charges a one-time fee for a lifetime membership. For $35-$50 you will be able to download anything you want (including new releases) whenever you want without having to pay again. Some of the sites charge a monthly or "per-download" fee - I suggest avoiding these as you can find a better deal elsewhere.
One of the best features of the PSP is the ability to download games, movies and music instead of having to but them at the stores. Not only will it save you a lot of money in the long-run, but you will als be sure your PSP is fully stocked with the newest games without ever having to make a trip to the store. Happy gaming!
If you are interested in learning how to get a risk-free trail, go to to get the details.
Interested in finding the latest PSP game downloads?
Click Here to find out how to start a free trial to the best PSP download websites.
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Britney still cannot visit sons
Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon left in place a ruling that bars Spears from visiting her sons.
He issued the original order after Ms Spears was involved in a stand-off with police when she refused to return the children to ex-husband Kevin Federline.
Ms Spears, 26, showed up at the hearing and was photographed by the paparazzi, but left before entering the courtroom.
Another hearing was scheduled for 19 February.
'Grave situation'
Mr Gordon heard a day of testimony from Mr Federline and witnesses to the three-hour police stand-off at the troubled pop star's home earlier this month.
Police were summoned on 3 January when Ms Spears became distraught and refused to return Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, one, to her ex-husband's representatives after a monitored visit.
She was taken away on a stretcher and hospitalised for two days.
Mr Gordon ruled that an emergency order he issued on 4 January suspending her visitation rights and giving custody to Mr Federline would remain in effect.
"The word victory is not something Mr Federline or his counsel would ascribe to this. There is no joy. This is a grave situation for all," Mr Federline's lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, said outside the courthouse.
Although Mr Federline thought the ruling was correct, Mr Kaplan said, "his goal, his hope for the future is at some point he will be able to parent the children with the participation of their mother."
Neither Ms Spears nor Mr Federline were required to attend the hearing, but Mr Federline arrived early. Ms Spears did not arrive until early afternoon but left after being mobbed by photographers.
Ms Spears married Mr Federline in 2004 and filed for divorce in 2006.
DVD Region Codes - How To Beat Them
I'm a George Clooney placid kind of guy (without the good looks, sadly), but nothing gets me madder than the issue of DVD Region Codes.
Never heard of them? Let me explain.
Just imagine you buy a music CD from another country while on vacation, or maybe order it online. But when you put said disc in your player there's no sweet music - just a terse message telling you "Wrong Region: North American CDs are coded to only play in North America, European CDs will only play in Europe" . . . and so on.
You'd feel like smashing a guitar or putting your foot through a drum set, right? (Relax, music fans - CDs will play anywhere on the planet).
Not so with DVDs. There really IS a Region Code preventing you from playing DVDs acquired from other countries.
So say you live in the U.S. or Canada and you or your Uncle Joe just returned from Europe, for instance, with the latest James Bond flick Casino Royale - or a fascinating tourist documentary on the Rhine Valley. You pop it in the DVD player and get that darned "Wrong Region" message. Ditto if you live in London and bought a Grand Canyon tourist DVD on your trip to the U.S.
Hello, that's one expensive Frisbee you just bought!
A few small companies issue "Region-free" DVD discs that will play anywhere in the world, but the studio majors don't.
Let's be blunt: The whole region coding issue (there are six different regions!!) is a gigantic scam perpetrated by the movie industry. The studios want to control when DVDs will be released in different parts of the world and they also want to stop YOU picking up a bargain while on your travels. For example I've seen the three Jurassic Park movies in a box set for $15 U.S. while visiting England. Citizen Kane special edition? $8 U.S. in London. Ditto Bridge on the River Kwai 2-disc edition. The classic Brief Encounter special edition? An astounding $5 in the UK.
Remember - there's nothing illegal about buying whatever DVDs you like from anywhere you like on the planet. Hollywood just doesn't want you to be able to watch them! But it goes beyond getting a bargain. Some foreign material, like documentaries or obscure art films will NEVER be available in North America. What about the rights of the consumer - why shouldn't you be able to buy what you like and bring it home to use here - just like you can with music CDs?
Well you should. All power to countries like Australia and New Zealand that argue DVD Region Codes violate international free trade rules - and want to ban this vile practice.
Now, here are the current codes: REGION 1 -- USA, Canada REGION 2 -- Japan, Europe, South Africa, Middle East, Greenland REGION 3 -- South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Parts of South East Asia REGION 4 -- Australia, New Zealand, Latin America (including Mexico) REGION 5 -- Eastern Europe, Russia, India, Africa REGION 6 -- China
The good news for DVD fans is that you CAN beat the Region Code scam - and there isn't a thing Hollywood can do about it!
How? Buy a Region-Free DVD Player. You'll find lots of them on sale at leading electronics stores and "big Box" discount stores and some of them are astoundingly cheap. For example, I picked up a Norcent player for less than $50 from Wal-Mart and it lasted three years, happily playing PAL discs from Europe and NTSC discs from North America.
I got an even better deal with my latest region free model: I picked up an Accura player (made by Citizen) in a fire sale at a big box grocery store for an amazing $29.99!!
These cheap players will do an excellent job, but if you are willing to pay more for an upconverting player for superior picture I can also recommend the LG brand. Some are less than $100. Toshiba, Philips and Daewoo are some of the other companies offering Region Free DVD players.
You might not think this Region Code thing is a big deal, but I believe it is. Guaranteed, if you travel you are going to see must-have DVDs at great prices.
I'm watching with interest to see how the movie industry plans to maintain this Region Code nonsense when more of us download movies online, presumably from anywhere in the world.
Andy G. Cooper is a Canadian journalist. Check out his DVD reviews and features at:
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Make Your Friends Jealous - Download Movies On Your iPod
One of the great benefits of signing up to a movie download service, besides downloading unlimited movies for free, is gaining range of entertainment to put on your iPod or iPhone.
With unlimited free downloads, you can amass a huge collections of movies and TV shows to watch on the go. Public transport and waiting rooms are much more bearable with the latest episode of Heroes or a good new release to help pass the time.
The good services out there will even provide you with the tools to not only download put movies on your iPod or iPhone, but also rip them to dvd or cd, and will often provide media players to watch them on your computer or stream movies directly off websites.
Another benefit is the technical support they provide. If you are having trouble ripping your media, playing movies or trouble with bothersome codecs, most services offer 24 hour email technical support so in the unlikely event of a movie not working, you can shoot off an email and be up and running in no time.
Make all your friends jealous by downloading movies on your iPod. The next time you are waiting around for the bus, bust out your iPod pimped out with the latest movies or TV episodes, they'll be clamoring to check out what cool stuff you've got going on. The same goes for strangers on the train, you'll see them craning their necks to check out what you are watching, while you are sitting comfy watching a sweet movie or cool TV show.
Chen Petersen is an ipod and iphone enthusiast and loves loading up his ipod with all the latest shows and movies to watch on the go. To find out how you can pimp out your iPhone or iPod with hundreds of movies and TV shows
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What You Should Know about FREE Download Sites!
Wondering Why? I'll explain below. So please read on!
Peer to Peer (P2P) Networks are basically computers on the same network with certain software sharing files for free. The problem with this, although tempting concept, is that you may also be sharing Malware, Viruses, Spyware that can damage your computer, not to mention you can get into some big trouble downloading copyrighted material.
If you do frequent p2p sites your anti-virus software should help in stopping any worms or viruses but you would still be risking your computer to infection and or damage if your settings on your are set too low. Also your file settings should be set to, "Do not share" to help keep out any bugs.
There are alternatives that are safe and legal. Membership sites offer this alternative, no worries for just a low one time fee. A good membership site also will not charge you a pay per download fee or even monthly fee just a one time fee with unlimited downloads. Yet there are many to choose from.
We have done some research for you and reviewed a number of sites that are a few of the best out there, but most of all Legal and worries, spyware and adware free, just remember to follow the in structions I mentioned above on your settings. Just click on the link below and your there.
Tips: In your quest finding something that is right for you there are some considerations that come to mind. Download speed even from the best site is mostly dependent on your internet connection, Dialup vs. DSL vs. Highspeed Cable and on it goes. But with a good download accelerator software program most connections should work fine. Another tip would be your hard drive space, meaning the room needed to store all your favorite movies, music, and whatever else. That can be cured by burning copies onto the media of your choice CD, DVD, External HD and deleting the original off the drive or install a hard drive with more space.
Sincerely J.D.

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